Published June 29th at 11:19am - 918 ♥ - 3 min read
Guess who's back? Even if it's hard, I'm happy to be alive.
Hello everyone! I'm back! It's been awhile, nah?
OK, I must explain the reasons for my prolonged absence. It's not only because I'm ill, it's also because I have a real life and it was very shitty/bad for me.
Let's take a look of this at a few points.
The most obvious but the biggest point is my health. So much pain and so much medical appointments for me these past months. And It will continue as it for few months too.
But now, I have fewer problems! Better diet, new glasses, more muscles with better (physiotherapy) exercices... My health is now "good." And by good, I mean tolerable. It's not as good as I wish but it's better than last weeks I lived.
A brief aside about my glasses: Recently, my eyesight has deteriorated considerably. I was almost blind. And now I only have temporary glasses with a small vision correction. It's better now but not the best. I'll have new glasses next year.
The next steps will be beneficial for me. After eyesight, I'll take time to have some medical appointments for my teeth, my legs, my back, orthopedic shoes, new pain relief treatment and so much more.
I really want to go quickly about my health, but it's quite expensive and I need to take my time too (for my psychological health). We'll be in touch regularly about my "body's improvements."
As some of you knows, I have a small part-time job too. And it's take... half of my time. That's also why my projects haven't made much progress. The bad news is I'll have a full-time job. But the good news is this full-time job is only temporary! (12/14 weeks)
I won't have any holidays this year, but it's cool because I'll have more money to pay everything I need about my health. Also, It's not a really difficult job. It's tailored to my situation and my coworkers and my managers are awesome people.
Also, I'll have time to do my personal projects and have some good news about them but before that, Here's my personal situation.
Last weeks was so hard for me: a close friend who has died, an ex-girlfriend who pissed me off after 10 years to paid an error SHE did, my parents have two cancers EACH, some problems with my computers, mandatory home improvements for my health...
It was really difficult but, after seeing my therapist and with support from my beloved ones, I'm better now. It's still tough, but it's going to get better and better. I just hope that there will be no further problems in the near future.
I'm still fragile now, but I do everything I can to keep getting better. And that's also why I don't posts anything this last weeks. But I can restart to post right now.
What's next?
About me
I'll continue most of the good things to be better. As the title said, I'll never give up and will try to do my best to have the best life I can have. The most difficult part is to take my time to avoid damaging myself. I need to do some "baby steps" before get back to my normal rhythm.
About HIVE
I will continue to make some posts but now, I'll try to do more posts in French, more posts about my projects, more post about web development, some posts about music band I discover/love, ... I have so many ideas for that. I also have many posts ready to be published. Maybe I'll take more time do create content, but I don't know what is the balance between coding projects and create content. I'll try some things to do the most without tiring myself out too much.
About all my HIVE projects (SuperHive, HiveLive or Hive Multi Staker), it's now time to slowly start updating everything again. I have plenty ideas to have better projects for HIVE, and now, I'll take a couple of hours a week, just for that. I already work on an automatized tokens distribution for communities, but I'll talk about this tool in a future post.
About everything else
I'll do my best to do everything I can/want to do. There are plenty of things to have less stress and more happiness for me. The road will be long but Happiness is the road (Author's note: it's a good song from Marillion band. You can listen here).
It's a small post about my present situation, and I hope you enjoyed it. If you have some questions or just want to share some words with me, the comments section is open :)
Also, as usual, if you want to support all my content and my projects, please up-vote this post.
Have a nice day and take care of you and your beloved ones.
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